International Cooperative Initiatives
The major goal of the cooperation of the Association “Klaipėda Region” with other foreign organizations and initiatives is to promote the development and raise awareness of the Klaipėda Region.
The contribution of the Klaipėda Region to the implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)
The cooperation of the Association “Klaipėda Region” with a variety of organizations, such as the Baltic Sea Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe, the Baltic States Sub-regional Cooperation platform and the Union of the Baltic Cities, is aimed at enhancing the awareness of the region at the international level, as well as contributing to significant initiatives and projects that create added value in the region.
Learn more about our initiatives and activities:
- EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 adopted on 18th September 2017 in Palanga, Lithuania. View the document here
- The Baltic Sea Reagion Strategy for Beginners (2016), experience and insights of Klaipėda Region. View the document here
- Klaipėda Region is represented at the EU Baltic Sea Tourism Forum from 2015. Visit the website

Photo: Interreg Sout Baltic Programme