Klaipeda Region Tourism and Agricultural Sector Development Study

The aim of the study is to create groundwork for the balanced and purposeful economic development of Klaipėda region by identifying the directions of specialization and development of tourism and agriculture sectors.

Definition of object – Klaipėda region tourism and agriculture sector development study, including identification of sectoral specialization directions, their competitiveness and development, the correlation with other economic sectors in the region, the analysis of breakthrough opportunities.

The components of the study:

  • analysis of the current situation in the tourism and agriculture sectors, competitiveness in the national and international context;
  • analysis of tourism and agricultural sector specialization (success models) of selected 5 foreign regions analogs;
  • vision, priorities and development scenario for tourism and agricultural sectors for the near future (up to 2020) and strategic development (up to 2030);
  • creation of an organizational management structure model for the implementation of tourism and agriculture sector development in the Klaipeda region.

The study will include the identification of two sectors of specialization, their competitiveness and development, the correlation with other economic sectors in the region, and the analysis of breakthrough opportunities. The prepared study, together with the identified specialization directions of the economic development strategy of Klaipeda city, will be an integral part of the economic development (specialization) strategy of Klaipėda region.

Sectoral study leads to Klaipeda region:

  • integrated regional policy and regional specialization;
  • business development and investment attraction;
  • balanced territorial development of the region, including employment and new jobs;
  • creating better conditions for promoting innovation, shaping new clusters and strengthening existing ones;
  • increasing regional resilience and attractiveness;
  • the growth of competences;
  • improved quality of life and increased mobility of the population;
  • measurable breakthrough results.

Project Coordinator – Association “Klaipėda Region”. The study is prepared by UAB Civitta.

Budget: EUR 44 770 (including VAT). The study is financed from the budget of Klaipėda Municipalities.
