
Project title: Regenerative Tourism (ReTour) – developing a new approach that accelerates positive change in tourism businesses, local communities, nature and culture in the South Baltic Area.

Project description: The project’s purpose is to achieve a common understanding and perspective on how tourism can contribute to strengthening and developing a place. Initially, it involves learning about how different places worldwide work with regenerative tourism. We will delve into already developed methods, as well as test completely new ones, with the aim of initiating a starting point where we test and learn what works in Klaipeda Region  and the South Baltic area.

What is regenerative tourism?

Regenerative tourism goes a step further than sustainability, which hopes to preserve a place for future use. Instead, we want to not only minimize the negative effects of tourism but leverage the positive impacts in a way that actively seeks to restore and regenerate the environment, cultures and communities. Regenerative tourism makes a place thrive which requires both a mindset change and a paradigm shift.The project focuses on regenerative tourism experiences, which means creating experiences where tourism can contribute to a better place.

Project partners:

Visit Skane, Sweden

Visit Lolland Falser, Denmark

Pomorskie Tourist Board, Poland

Western Pomerania Tourism Organisation, Poland

Institut fur Tourismus – und Baderforschung in Nordeuropa, Germany